Our dental office is still open as an essential service to serve you. Please note that dental offices are not closed and will remain open after the province of Ontario’s announcement on Monday, January 3rd, 2022, about the modified Step 2 lockdown that will come into effect on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022.
We have invested in medical-grade air purifiers for your safety, strategically placed throughout the office to recycle the air and remove harmful contaminants continuously. All patients are also screened before their appointments to ensure as safe an environment as possible. Surfaces are regularly wiped down throughout the day with sterilizing solutions and wipes.
Remember that delaying or putting off dental treatment will likely worsen any existing dental issues. Leaving dental problems ignored will result in more invasive and lengthier treatment times. Maintaining your oral health through regular dental visits and ongoing oral health monitoring through dental checkups is essential.
Please get in touch with us today to schedule your visit or appointment now.