General & Cosmetic Dentist in Mississauga, ON
Dr. Alireza
More information about Dr. Alireza Mirlohi coming soon!

Dr. Neda Rezaie
Dr. Neda received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) degree from the Azad University of Tehran Faculty of Dentistry in 2005 and practiced dentistry in Iran from 2005 to 2009, after which she came to Canada.
She passed the National Dental Examining Board of Canada and became a licensed dentist in Canada in 2013. Since then she has worked as an Associate Dentist here at Cawthra Dental.
Dr. Neda keeps herself up-to-date with the latest in dentistry by taking continuing eduation courses on a regular basis. She is a member of the Iranian Dental Association of Canada, the Canadian Dental Association, the Ontario Dental Association and the Royal College of Dental Surgions of Ontario.
Dr. Neda is happily married and enjoys meditation and cooking. She also likes travelling and going to the movies.

Dr. Charles Balaban
More information about Dr. Balaban coming soon!