704 Burnhamthorpe Rd. East | Mississauga, ON L4Y 2X3 (905) 567-5768

Several different sexually transmitted diseases can be passed through oral sex and can affect the mouth, throat, genitals and rectum. Listed below are the sexually transmitted infections that are transmitted orally. 


  • Does not always cause symptoms, but if it does, they are usually a sore throat, a burning sensation while urinating, discharge from the vagina/penis/ rectum, swelling and pain in the testicles, rectal pain 
  • Diagnosis is made from a urine sample or a swab of the throat, rectum, urethra or cervix 
  • Treatment is a course of antibiotics, but some strains have become resistant to antibiotics, so make sure to see your doctor if the first round of antibiotics doesn’t work 
  • If untreated, gonorrhea can lead to an increased risk of HIV, infertility and epididymitis 


  • Typically chlamydia has no symptoms 
  • If the infection presents in the throat, the symptom is usually a sore throat 
  • If the infection is in the genitals or rectum, the symptoms are discharged, burning during urination, rectal pain, swollen testicles 
  • Diagnosis is made by a urine sample or a vaginal swab for females 
  • Chlamydia is treated by a round of antibiotics 
  • If untreated, it can lead to infertility, epididymitis, increased risk of HIV and passing to a child in pregnant women 


  • The syphilis virus has four stages and each stage has different symptoms 
  • Primary: Small, round sores at the site of infection that can last 3-6 weeks 
  • Secondary: Skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, fever, sores in the mouth and genitals, brown spots on palms of hands and soles of feet, hair loss, headache, weight loss, muscle pain, fatigue 
  • Latent: No symptoms 
  • Tertiary: Damage to internal organs, eyesight problems, numbness, dementia (usually occurs 10-30 years after initial infection)  
  • Diagnosis for syphilis is made through a blood test or from testing fluids taken from open sores 
  • If left untreated, syphilis can lead to a stillborn child, increased risk of HIV, organ damage, blindness 

Human Papillomavirus 

  • The most common STD in the United States 
  • Symptoms include genital and throat warts 
  • There is no specific treatment for HPV. Sometimes a diagnosis is only made when a pap smear comes back abnormal 
  • HPV virus cannot be treated, but the genital/throat warts can be treated 
  • HPV often goes away without treatment but can spread through sexual partners 
  • Some types of HPV can lead to cervical cancer in women 



  • Symptoms for herpes may be mild but can include painful/itchy sores around the genitals/rectum/mouth, headache, fever, body aches, swollen glands 
  • Diagnosis is made from a blood test or a skin sample from a sore 
  • An antiviral will be prescribed to treat the symptoms, but there is no cure for herpes 
  • Herpes can be passed to sexual partners with or without treatment, but the risk can be reduced with daily medication 
  • Herpes increases the risk of contracting HIV, and it can be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy


  • Symptoms include discharge, red/itchy genitals, burning sensation during urination 
  • Diagnosis is made through lab tests as symptom diagnosis is not enough on its own 
  • Treatment is a single dose of antibiotics that also kill parasites 
  • Prognosis is good 

Hepatitis A 

  • A virus that causes inflammation of the liver 
  • Symptoms are fever, tiredness, nausea, loss of appetite, yellowing skin, dark urine and pain in the abdomen, which usually develops 28 days after exposure to the virus 
  • Exposure is usually oral-fecal, so it can be spread through oral sex 
  • Diagnosis is through a blood test 
  • Although there is no cure for Hep A, it rarely causes any complications 

Hepatitis B 

  • Also, a virus that causes inflammation of the liver 
  • Sometimes doesn’t cause any symptoms, but when it does they can include a rash, joint stiffness, fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, yellowing of skin and eyes, dark urine, pain in the abdomen 
  • Diagnosis is made with a blood test, but it takes 3-8 weeks to appear in the blood to make the diagnosis 
  • Hepatitis B is either acute or chronic, and acute has no treatment, whereas chronic will require medication to slow the progress 
  • There is a vaccine to help prevent Hepatitis B 


  • Affects the immune system, making people more prone to other illnesses 
  • There may not be any symptoms in the early stages, but they may include fever, aching muscles, sore throat, chills, tiredness, swollen neck glands and night sweats 
  • With the correct dose of medication, HIV can be undetectable in the bloodstream and passing it on to others can be prevented 

Prevention of STD’s 

  • Use condoms for every sexual encounter 
  • Use a dental dam for oral sex 
  • Be in a sexually monogamous relationship where both partners have been tested for STD’s 

If you have any questions about orally transmitted STDs, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.