704 Burnhamthorpe Rd. East | Mississauga, ON L4Y 2X3 (905) 567-5768

Dental infections, also known as dental abscesses or tooth infections, can be painful and potentially dangerous if left untreated. Recognizing the symptoms of a dental disease is crucial for early diagnosis and prompt treatment.

What is a Dental Infection?

A dental infection occurs when harmful bacteria invade a tooth’s pulp (innermost) tissue or surrounding tissues. This can happen due to untreated tooth decay, a cracked tooth, or gum disease. As bacteria multiply within the infected area, they can cause an accumulation of pus and lead to various symptoms.

Common Symptoms of a Dental Infection

Severe Toothache
A persistent, throbbing toothache is one of the primary symptoms of a dental infection. The pain often worsens when you chew or apply pressure to the affected tooth. It may radiate to the jaw, ear, or neck.

Swelling of the Face or Gums
Inflammation and swelling in the affected area are typical signs of a dental infection. You may notice a lump or bump on your gum near the infected tooth or swelling in the cheek or jaw.

Sensitivity to Hot and Cold
Dental infections can increase tooth sensitivity, making it painful or sensitive to consume hot or cold foods and drinks. Even room temperature substances can trigger discomfort.

Fever and General Discomfort
A dental infection can lead to systemic symptoms such as fever, chills, and overall malaise. These symptoms indicate that the infection is spreading and should be treated promptly.

Bad Breath or Bad Taste
An unpleasant taste in your mouth or persistent bad breath, despite good oral hygiene, can be indicative of a dental infection. This is often due to the presence of pus and bacteria in the mouth.

Difficulty Swallowing or Breathing
In severe cases, a dental infection can cause difficulty swallowing or breathing due to significant swelling in the throat or neck area. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention.

Pus Drainage
If the dental infection reaches an advanced stage, you may notice the drainage of pus from the affected tooth or gum. This discharge can have a foul taste and odor.

Enlarged Lymph Nodes
Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the neck or under the jaw may indicate that your body is trying to fight off the infection.

Complications of Untreated Dental Infections

Ignoring the symptoms of a dental infection can lead to serious complications, including:

  • Abscess Formation: The infection can form an abscess, a pocket of pus that can erode bone tissue and lead to more significant oral health issues.
  • Spread of Infection: The infection can spread to other parts of the body, potentially affecting vital organs and leading to systemic illnesses.
  • Tooth Loss: If the infection is not treated promptly, it can lead to irreversible damage to the tooth and may require extraction.
  • Bone Loss: Prolonged infection can lead to bone loss in the jaw, which can affect the stability of adjacent teeth.

Seeking Treatment for Dental Infections

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s crucial to seek prompt dental care. Your dentist will perform a thorough examination, which may include x-rays, to assess the extent of the infection. Treatment options may include:

  • Antibiotics: Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to control the infection and reduce swelling.
  • Drainage: If there’s an abscess, your dentist may need to drain the pus to relieve pressure and promote healing.
  • Root Canal Therapy: For infections within the tooth, a root canal procedure may be necessary to remove infected tissue and save the tooth.
  • Tooth Extraction: In some cases, a severely infected tooth cannot be saved and may need to be extracted.
  • Pain Management: Your dentist may provide pain relief to make you more comfortable during and after treatment.

Recognizing the symptoms of a dental infection is essential for early intervention and preventing complications. If you experience severe tooth pain, swelling, or any of the other symptoms mentioned, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist. Dental infections are treatable, and seeking prompt care will help ensure your oral health and overall well-being. Contact us to schedule your dental visit today.