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The answer varies depending on your oral health along with many factors. Your dentist or dental professional considers your current oral health, and the history of your oral health before setting a recare frequency.

Considerations When Deciding On A Recare Interval


Gum Disease

Inflammation of the gums negatively affects oral health and overall health. Studies show links between systemic health and oral health. Bacteria in the mouth can travel to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Signs of gum disease include swollen, red and tender gums that bleed easily.

Periodontal Disease

An advanced form of gum disease which involves the bone loss in the mouth. More cleanings are necessary to stop periodontal disease and maintain oral health.

Increased Cavity Risk

If someone has an increased risk of developing cavities, frequent dental check-ups are required to monitor oral health.


Tartar build-up occurs at different rates for different people. Frequent dental cleanings remove tartar before it causes irreversible damage in the mouth.

Oral Hygiene

Motivation levels and ability are considered. Patients with dexterity issues need cleanings more often.


Diabetes and gum disease are linked. Uncontrolled diabetes and gum disease both affect each other. Let your dentist know if you have diabetes, especially if it is uncontrolled.

Lifestyle factors

A significant risk factor for periodontal disease is smoking. Patients who smoke frequently require frequent check-ups and cleanings to monitor oral health.


Patients with braces have a harder time keeping their teeth clean. The metal brackets and wires attached to the teeth restrict easy access to teeth. Frequent cleanings may be necessary if plaque is not removed properly. However, some patients maintain a clean mouth easier with an electric toothbrush.

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All of these factors, along with other factors unique to you are considered when deciding on a recare interval. Your recare interval determines the frequency of your dental cleanings and dental check-ups.